For The Sake of The Throne

Grace Anindya
3 min readOct 6, 2020

Disclaimer: This memoir was actually written on May 19th, 2019 as the requirement for Creative Writing final examination.

I dunno why but Twitter always become 1000 times more interesting everytime something big happened. Recently, most netizens are talking about Daenerys Targaryen, a khaleesi, wife of a khal, who burnt the King’s Landing and transformed herself into a Mad Queen in the 5th episode of Game of Thrones season 8. It is interesting to see the netizens discuss about the motive why the Khalessi burnt the village (some stated that she lost everything and everyone she ‘loved’) until the topic that most of parents in the world are regretting their decision in naming their daughters ‘Khaleesi’ or ‘Daenerys.’ Poor them.

Twitter was also very engaging during the time of Indonesia’s democracy party, a party where you won’t find any balloons yet you’ll find lots of ballots instead and a party without any cakes but the execution wasn’t a piece of cake. On D-day of the democracy party which was on the 17th of April 2019, Twitter’s worldwide trending topic was showing hashtags #TheVictoryofPrabowo and #JokoWinElection. Well, it was like a de-javu with what happened 5 years ago, when we seemed to have 2 khals in our one and only King’s Landing.

Til this memoir is written 3 days before the announcement of the chosen khal, the war is still hot, tight, even more tense in both online and offline world. The opponents claimed that they were cheated. Even the rumor about their strategies which called as ‘people power’ sounds louder in order to prove the fraud. Though some of the information are confirmed as hoaxes, they are still terrifying since the narrations of this illogical cheating is repeated again and again. It is possible that this narration will slowly become plausible since there are some broadcasts to warn people to not going out on D-day of the announcement.

It sounds really silly then I realize that my family members always remind me to go home earlier. Now, it is not only because I am a woman (I hate this reason tho) but also because they afraid that the supporters of the opponent will do the same thing as Daenerys Targaryen did.

“Jangan pulang malam-malam, pendukungnya si itu nanti macem-macem.”
“Jangan tulis yang aneh-aneh di internet, copras-capres, copras-capres, jangan.”

Meanwhile, the incumbents are calm yet indirectly satirize the foolishness of the opponents. Everything are mixed-up, ridiculous, even mind-blowing, and I bet that people with their logical mind are the only winner in this war. Yeah, people with healthy mind will think it is impossible to cheat since it is not a simple snake and ladder or congklak competition. It is the sake of the whole country to be bet in this war.

Well, despite the tense of the war, it is a relief that there is still an oasis in the middle of a hot dessert. Among the tense, some netizens offer alternative solutions to have 2 different shifts of the new president just like a real-estate’s security guard schedule.

“Jokowi pagi sampe sore, Prabowo sore sampe pagi lagi…”

Hahaha. I’d like to use Rumi’s quotation to describe this situation, with some modifications tho. “The victory was in the hands of God. It fell and broke into pieces. Bats and tadpoles took a piece of it, looked at it, and thought they had the victory.” Is it an exaggeration to consider that we are the God in this situation?

Anyway, if a Khaleesi have a dragon to fire the whole King’s Landing, in here we have bats and tadpoles to ‘burn’ our situations and attentions.

